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Papan Lukisan Manufacturers

Qingdao Boss Flame Retardant Textile Materials Co., Ltd. , established in 2008, which is one of China Polyester Acoustic Panel, Fiberglass Ceiling, Acoustic Baffle manufacturers, the leading supplier of acoustical materials product and fire retardant fabric used in architectural and industrial applications throughout the country. We are the supplier of Beijing Olympic National stadium "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube". 

Produk Panas

  • Panel Siling Akustik

    Panel Siling Akustik

    Panel Siling Akustik QDBOSS dibuat oleh papan gentian kaca sentrifugal dengan gentian kaca gentian (warna hitam, putih atau disesuaikan). Tepi siling akustik dipadatkan dengan resin mesra alam untuk meningkatkan daya tahan dan kestabilan.
  • Lembaran Akustik Serat Poliester

    Lembaran Akustik Serat Poliester

    Polyester Fiber Acoustic Sheets are synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%.
  • 100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

    100% Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

    Panel Akustik 100% Polyester Fiber juga disebut panel penyerap bunyi hiasan gentian poliester, yang merupakan sejenis bahan hiasan dengan fungsi menyerap bunyi yang diperbuat daripada serat poliester sebagai bahan mentah dengan menekan panas dan menusuk jarum.
  • Cetak Panel Akustik Serat Poliester

    Cetak Panel Akustik Serat Poliester

    Print Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel is synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%. We also have patent technique for permanent fire retardant with our acoustic panels.
  • Pet Felt yang dikitar semula

    Pet Felt yang dikitar semula

    Recycled Pet Felt is synthesized by high temperature and high pressure by needle punching processing, and the porosity is above 90%.
  • Glasswool Acoustic Panel

    Glasswool Acoustic Panel

    Panel Akustik Glasswool QDBOSS menggunakan papan gentian kaca berkualiti tinggi dengan kain tahan api yang berbeza. Jenis panel akustik ini mesra alam, banyak digunakan, penyerapan bunyi, hiasan yang baik, pemasangan yang mudah, tidak ada pencemaran habuk dll

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